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Grace and Ease

What to do when the mind wants to go to the negative side of everything and a dark cloud descends on you and there seems no way out? Watching the mind and bringing it back to clarity and peace is a great form of self-help, although never underestimate the benefits of utilising the skills of a well-trained counsellor. We all need help and advice at times and it is a sign of strength to ask.

Grace ands ease1.The mind has a great habit of telling us the worst-case scenario. When it does ask the ‘mind’ to tell you the best-case scenario and go with that story!

2. Be on the lookout to catch those thoughts from the ‘mind’ that make you feel sad, anxious, frustrated, jealous, fearful, worried etc., and realise that those thoughts and the interpretation of the events or possible future events may not even be true!

3. If the ‘mind’ keeps bringing up events from the past remind your ‘mind’ that you want to let that go and live in the present. Remind yourself that the past has gone and none of us could have ‘acted’ and more evolved than we were. Hindsight is a great thing but we should not give the ‘mind ‘the power to make us feel continually guilty! We have the key to the ‘prison door’ and we can let ourselves out when we are ready.

4. Find a moment of peace. One moment of peace can offset many, many continuous moments of unsettling, stressful, and energy-sapping thoughts. Find your moment of peace by having a few deep breaths and putting your attention on them; admiring a flower, cloud, or another natural object; meditating, or a short nap.

5. Let go of control and trust in a higher power whatever you conceive that to be! Feel free to share how you find your moment of peace. (without drugs of course)


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Stephen Canning

Stephen Canning (N.D., Dip. Mass., Dip.Bot.Med., Dip.Hom., Cert IV Workplace Train. and Assess., A.N.T.A.B.) has practised as a Naturopath, Homeopath and Integrated Massage Therapist for the last 42 years as well as teaching Massage Therapy and previously being the General manager at a leading Health Retreat for 5 years. He has had a lifelong passion for metaphysics and spirituality and his approach to health and healing reflects the knowledge and experience gained during this time as to how the body functions at both a physical and energetic level. He is enthusiastic in helping people maintain their physical, mental, and emotional balance as they travel through life. He assists people in letting go of past traumas and in moving forward with clarity, understanding and an optimistic outlook to life. Stephen achieves these objectives with both his Chakra Wisdom book, Chakra Wisdom card deck as well as ‘Integrated Massage’ session, which is his specific therapeutic approach integrating many modalities into his treatment to achieve the above aims. This treatment helps optimise the energy flow throughout their body and assists in releasing accumulated stresses and tensions that may hinder them from moving forward toward improved health and wellbeing, and from reaching their full potential. He practices on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia as well as regularly visiting Sydney and Melbourne. He has also been practicing at Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat on the Gold Coast, Queensland for the last 13 years.

Hi, please let me know if you have any questions.