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If anyone would like to know their next level of personal growth they could learn a lot by listening to their body, which means observing your symptoms, and the chakras associated with them.


Keeping in balance.

Your body is your best friend, and it will not lie to you, although on occasion we would not mind if it were not so honest! You will only get the symptoms of imbalance when your body cannot compromise anymore and then it will ‘call’ for your attention or even a ‘cry’ for your attention.

The 7 Main Chakras and their qualitiesMany people will look for answers outside themselves as to why they have their symptoms, or they may take medicine to put the ‘fire alarm’ out, yet do not attempt to put out the fire! We want to do our best not to accumulate medicines as we move through life by just putting out the ‘fires’! Many people end up taking 5 or more medicines daily! As many people know, many illnesses are lifestyle and stress-related.

Just to be clear. I would not want to be without many of the medicines and medical procedures we now have available. Many people would not be alive if it were not for modern medical practices! We are blessed to have them. Ideally, when we need medicine, we take it and at the same time we ask ourselves, “What part, (if any) did I play in needing the medicine in the first place?” I have seen many people either reduce the number of medications they take, or the dosage of their medications simply by adopting a healthier lifestyle and a healthier attitude to life.

Genetics also plays a big part in all our lives. We are all born with hereditary genes that can potentially lead to good health or illness. Modern research shows that it is the environment, especially within our body, (epigenetics) that determines if it is the healthy genes or the unhealthy ones that will get the upper hand and are therefore be encouraged to express themselves! We can control our internal environment with our thoughts, emotions, eating patterns, exercise, lifestyle habits, and by reducing the harmful chemicals and environments we expose ourselves to.

Many ‘life lessons’ can be identified by observing your symptoms and learning to listen to your body’s whispers before they turn into screams for attention. How and when the symptoms manifest can help determine which Chakra, i.e. energy centre, (more chakra information later) is ‘wanting’ your attention, which in turn will point to a certain lifestyle, attitude or mindset your body would love you to adopt and is encouraging you to embrace. Remember, your body is your best friend!

Having been a health and wellbeing practitioner for the last 41 years and having seen over 30,000 clients, I realise that the most important factor in determining someone’s health is their attitude to themselves, their attitude to life, and their response (or reaction) to life’s challenges.

Another word for attitude is ‘mindset’. Our mindset is fostered in early life by our parents, society, and our friends, and often the mindset we adopt is not conducive to good health. In fact, our mindset (the way we think and process information) can be an obstacle to good health.

Ideally, we would aim to get to the stage where we realise that, ‘I am not my mind, I am not even my thoughts. I am the observer of my thoughts, and some of my thoughts are not even true!’ The aim is not to be deceived by thoughts that are not true and/or negative as they are obstacles to our good health. The body believes everything we believe!

Much of this information comes from my book, Chakra Wisdom Workbook, available in the via this link: Shop

Sometimes it is not easy to know which chakra is ‘calling’ for attention so here are some common chakra related symptoms: 

 1st Base Chakra

  • regularly feeling like you are a victim
  • regularly feeling fearful, especially about change or the future
  • feeling unstable or insecure in life – your foundation is not strong
  • feeling ‘stuck’ in life
  • feeling unsettled and/or unorganised at home
  • relying on others to supply your basic needs-shelter, food, clothing, etc.
  • joint or bone symptoms
  • finding it challenging to exercise
  • heaviness feeling
  • obesity or too thin
  • lower back pain
  • pain or symptoms in the lower body
  • sciatica
  • rectum or anal problems

2nd Sacral Chakra

  • rescuing too many people or the same person too often
  • not giving to yourself or feeling guilty if you do so
  • giving opinions too often, especially those that are not asked for
  • either not in touch with your sexuality or over-expressing it
  • being a rescuer instead of a mentor
  • caring for others, but not caring for yourself
  • infertility or reproductive organ symptoms
  • lower back pain or sciatica
  • fatigue or adrenal exhaustion
  • over or under emotional
  • kidney symptoms

3rd Solar Plexus Chakra

  • often wanting to please others
  • self-esteem is low
  • self-respect is low
  • letting what other people think of you be over-important
  • feeling like a worrier instead of a warrior
  • over-sensitive to how others feel toward you
  • always needing approval
  • often feeling anxious or depressed
  • digestive or intestinal symptoms
  • eating disorders
  • middle back tension or pain

4th Heart Chakra

  • finding it challenging to love and respect yourself
  • not feeling worthy of love
  • feeling like you do not have a lot in common with others
  • find it challenging to forgive or let go of incidents from the past
  • find it challenging to have compassion for others
  • often finding reasons outside yourself to explain your discontent
  • shortness of breath or asthma
  • a feeling of tight shoulders
  • feeling lonely
  • not feeling peaceful
  • not feeling good about yourself
  • feeling disabled with life in general
  • finding fault (over-critical) with life or other people
  • upper back tension or pain
  • chest or breast symptoms
  • heart symptoms

5th Throat Chakra

  • you say yes when you actually want to say no
  • challenged in setting boundaries with another person’s behaviour
  • always holding back what you really want to say
  • grinding teeth at night or have a tight jaw
  • sore neck or shoulders
  • regularly get a sore throat or losing your voice
  • regularly feels like there is a lump in the throat
  • talking too much or not saying enough
  • challenging to communicate what you are feeling or thinking
  • holding back your creativity
  • thyroid symptoms
  • challenging to express grief or not allowing yourself to do so
  • being too diplomatic on too many occasions

6th Third Eye Chakra

  • find it challenging to still your mind
  • find it challenging to meditate
  • a diminished trust or no trust in a higher power
  • find it challenging to focus in the moment
  • eye symptoms or headaches
  • finding it challenging to trust your intuition
  • mental stress
  • difficulty concentrating
  • living in your head too much
  • hallucinations

7th Crown Chakra

  • challenging to listen to your intuition
  • challenging to connect to your higher self or higher power
  • challenging to listen to your conscience
  • difficult to believe or have faith that life is unfolding as it should
  • trouble meditating or paying attention for long periods of time
  • regularly feeling confused, disorientated, or depressed

excerpt:  Chakra Wisdom Workbook-Stephen Canning Chakra Wisdom Workbook – Using Mindfulness, Affirmations, and other tools to Support Your Health and Wellbeing

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Stephen Canning

Stephen Canning (N.D., Dip. Mass., Dip.Bot.Med., Dip.Hom., Cert IV Workplace Train. and Assess., A.N.T.A.B.) has practised as a Naturopath, Homeopath and Integrated Massage Therapist for the last 42 years as well as teaching Massage Therapy and previously being the General manager at a leading Health Retreat for 5 years. He has had a lifelong passion for metaphysics and spirituality and his approach to health and healing reflects the knowledge and experience gained during this time as to how the body functions at both a physical and energetic level. He is enthusiastic in helping people maintain their physical, mental, and emotional balance as they travel through life. He assists people in letting go of past traumas and in moving forward with clarity, understanding and an optimistic outlook to life. Stephen achieves these objectives with both his Chakra Wisdom book, Chakra Wisdom card deck as well as ‘Integrated Massage’ session, which is his specific therapeutic approach integrating many modalities into his treatment to achieve the above aims. This treatment helps optimise the energy flow throughout their body and assists in releasing accumulated stresses and tensions that may hinder them from moving forward toward improved health and wellbeing, and from reaching their full potential. He practices on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia as well as regularly visiting Sydney and Melbourne. He has also been practicing at Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat on the Gold Coast, Queensland for the last 13 years.

Hi, please let me know if you have any questions.