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The chakras permeate though all the energy bodies, not just the physical body & are focal points for the receiving, accumulation and distribution  of the various forms of subtle energies from within & around us & enables them to be utilised by the body. ‘Chakra’ is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘wheel’ & they are in constant rotation. This rotation & vortex-like activity helps activate the energy in the chakra & helps facilitate its distribution to the body parts associated with it.

When a specific chakra is not functioning optimally the energy flow is disturbed & the organ systems & body parts served by that chakra will be affected. This disturbance will show up as symptoms. Our health is ultimately determined by the energy flowing harmoniously through our chakra system which can become sub-optimal for many reasons. We all benefit from the positive effects of healthy food, exercise, sunshine, water, a healthy environment, relaxation, meditation & sleep but most importantly positive thoughts, attitudes & a connection with spirit. Optimum chakra energy flow is significantly diminished by negative, limiting or stressful thought patterns & especially the holding on to past resentments, angers & guilt as well excessive worrying about the future. Our chakra system gives us ideal ‘observation points’ for looking into ourselves & observing what ‘lessons’ are here for us to learn right now.The Chakra Wisdom Cards will help you gain additional insights into how to  evolve in a positive way.

Any time you have symptoms it is wise to ask ourself, “What part did I play in the symptoms coming about in the first place”? If we are taking medicines we can ask ourselves, “What part did I play in needing these medicines?” This is not done to make ourselves feel guilty; we do this to take responsibility for where we find ourselves in life right now & to gain insights into ourselves. Sometimes we may need to take medicines & when this is so you can do our best to listen to your body & maintain a balanced lifestyle which in some cases will lead to you needing less medicine.

Some symptoms can also be of genetic, environmental or traumatic origin &  then you can do your best by listening to your body & observing your thought processes as a way of gaining awareness & understanding of yourself to assisting you in maintaining the best health possible.

Many therapies & activities can help balance your energy systems & encourage the body & mind to heal plus facilitating clearer self-awareness for positive change. Many therapies also seek & address the underlying causes of your symptoms so that you can learn the ‘lessons’, which usually revolve around changing your outdated &/or unbalanced thought processes (regarding the past, present & future) & improving your lifestyle choices. Beneficial therapies include acupuncture, energy balancing bodywork, massage, meditation, reflexology, dancing, yoga, counselling, spiritual guidance, coaching, music, singing, aromatherapy, meditation, homeopathy, being in nature & reading spiritual literature.

Stephen Canning

Stephen Canning (N.D., Dip. Mass., Dip.Bot.Med., Dip.Hom., Cert IV Workplace Train. and Assess., A.N.T.A.B.) has practised as a Naturopath, Homeopath and Integrated Massage Therapist for the last 42 years as well as teaching Massage Therapy and previously being the General manager at a leading Health Retreat for 5 years. He has had a lifelong passion for metaphysics and spirituality and his approach to health and healing reflects the knowledge and experience gained during this time as to how the body functions at both a physical and energetic level. He is enthusiastic in helping people maintain their physical, mental, and emotional balance as they travel through life. He assists people in letting go of past traumas and in moving forward with clarity, understanding and an optimistic outlook to life. Stephen achieves these objectives with both his Chakra Wisdom book, Chakra Wisdom card deck as well as ‘Integrated Massage’ session, which is his specific therapeutic approach integrating many modalities into his treatment to achieve the above aims. This treatment helps optimise the energy flow throughout their body and assists in releasing accumulated stresses and tensions that may hinder them from moving forward toward improved health and wellbeing, and from reaching their full potential. He practices on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia as well as regularly visiting Sydney and Melbourne. He has also been practicing at Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat on the Gold Coast, Queensland for the last 13 years.

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