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Being a Integrated Massage Therapy and wellness practitioner for 41 years and having seen over 35,000 clients, I have grown to know that one of the most important factors in determining someone’s health is their attitude to themselves, their attitude to life, and their response (or reaction) to life’s challenges as well as the ability to let go of the past. About Me

Our attitudes and responses are reflected in our minds and bodies and accumulate over time, eventually giving us symptoms. Symptoms, by definition means, ‘a sign of something’ and my work and treatments aim to create an understanding of what your body would like you to know, what is your body is wanting you to understand.

One way I help my clients regain and maintain their health is with, Integrated Massage Therapy, which is outlined later in this post.


Keep in Balance

Your body is your best friend, and it will not lie to you, although on occasion we would not mind if it were not so honest! You will only get the symptoms of imbalance when your body cannot compromise anymore and then it will ‘call’ for your attention or even a ‘cry’ for your attention.

Many people will look for answers outside themselves as to why they have their symptoms, or they may take medicine to put the ‘fire alarm’ out, yet do not attempt to put out the fire! We want to do our best not to accumulate medicines as we move through life by just putting out the ‘fires’! Many people end up taking many medicines daily!

Just to be clear. I would not want to be without many of the medicines and medical procedures we now have available. Many people would not be alive if it were not for modern medical practices! We are blessed to have them. Ideally, when we need medicine, we take it and at the same time we ask ourselves, “What part, (if any) did I play in needing the medicine in the first place?”

I have seen many people either reduce the number of medications they take, or the dosage of their medications simply by adopting a healthier lifestyle a healthier attitude to life. We also know that it is highly beneficial to resolve or let go of past challenges, anger, traumas, resentments, grievances, frustrations, guilt, and jealousy. Which Chakra is out of Balance?

What matters most!

What matters most?

Genetics also plays a big part in all our lives. We are all born with hereditary genes that can potentially lead to good health or illness. Modern research shows that it is the environment, especially within our body, (epigenetics) that determines if it is the healthy genes or the unhealthy ones that will get the upper hand and are therefore be encouraged to express themselves! We can control our internal environment with our thoughts, emotions, eating patterns, exercise, lifestyle habits, and by reducing the harmful chemicals and environments we expose ourselves to. Remember, your body is your best friend!

Integrated Massage Therapy ™
honouring the body/mind/spirit connection

If you live on the Gold Coast or Brisbane, Queensland, Australia and would like a treatment or have any questions please contact me via email: or text 0412 266 802.

Integrated Massage Therapy is my specific therapeutic approach to promoting health and wellbeing that encourages the release of accumulated long-term stress and tension from the mind and body. This is achieved by combining Remedial and Deep Tissue Massage techniques with Acupressure, Reflexology, Polarity Energy Healing, Mindfulness, correct breathing plus passive stretching, all of which encourage tension release and healing. You will also be given insights as to why the body is exhibiting certain imbalances and symptoms. This session will lead you to experience a remarkable sense of physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.
Integrated Massage Therapy

Integrated Massage Therapy

The optimal functioning of all our body systems, (especially the nervous and immune systems), are compromised by accumulated stress and tension. By releasing this stress and tension from the body and mind, energy flow is optimised thus allowing us to move forward towards improved wellbeing and a step closer to reaching our full potential. 

One of my passions is to help people maintain their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance as they travel through life. We are all pressured from so many directions and to perform in so many ways, that we may lose sight of what it feels like to be relaxed, rejuvenated and at ease. I aim is to help you regain this feeling!

An Integrated Massage Therapy Session can have the following benefits:
■ The release of accumulated stress, tension, anger & grief ■ Improved mental clarity & focus ■ Reduction of aches & pains ■ Strengthening of the immune system ■ Improved flexibility ■ Increased vitality & sense of wellbeing ■ Significant reduction of stress and/or anxiety-related symptoms   ■ Optimising the body’s energy systems ■Enhanced recovery from illness ■Feeling released from the past   ■ Feeling remarkably calm & relaxed.

A brief outline of some of the techniques that may be used during treatment:

Remedial Massage: A variety of specific massage techniques are used, and it is highly effective for focusing on particular problem areas. It is especially beneficial in releasing chronic stress and tension. An assisted passive stretching technique (known as PNF) is also used to increase flexibility & range of movement. Remedial massage can also help reduce limitations in movement brought on from past injuries that may be hindering your optimal physical performance.



Deep Tissue Massage: ‘Deep’ is a relative word and depends on the client’s needs and it does not need to be painful as we work together in determining the most suitable pressure. This specifically focuses on the deeper layers of muscle tissue and aims to release the chronic patterns of tension in the body through slow strokes and firm pressure on the contracted areas either by following or going across the fibres of the muscles, tendons, and fascia. Highly beneficial for chronic pain, limited mobility, recovery from injuries, repetitive strain injury, postural problems, fibromyalgia, and muscle spasms.

Polarity Energy Healing: Underlying the muscular and skeletal systems in the body is a pattern of energy that forms a matrix or blueprint that the body uses while maintaining as well as healing itself. This energy has been given various names such as Prana, Chi or Vital Force depending on the culture describing it and it connects through energy channels called nadis and energy centres called chakras.

Our true health is determined by the energy flowing through this system and symptoms arise when it is not flowing optimally. Your energy system will be optimised by using specific energy balancing techniques, including pressure on reflex points, slow rhythmic movements, rocking techniques & energy healing.

Acupressure/Reflexology: This involves massaging and stimulating specific reflex points, many of which are located on the hands and feet (which correspond to various organs and systems of the body) as well as using other specific energy balancing points on the body. This technique stimulates the body’s own healing and balancing processes.

Chakras and associated qualities

Breathing Techniques: Your breathing patterns are observed during this treatment, as they can be a reflection of underlying stress, tension and ‘energy congestion’ in certain areas. You will be coached regarding the correct breathing patterns that will ensure you achieve the optimum results from the session.

I have practiced as a Naturopath, Homeopath, Nutritionist and Massage Therapist for the last 41 years and my approach to health and healing reflects the knowledge and experience gained during this time as to how the body functions at both a physical and energetic level. During this time, I have also trained massage therapists as well as being General Manager at a leading Health Retreat for 5 years. I practice at Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat on the Gold Coast, Australia as well as visiting clients on the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne.

Stephen Canning – Naturopath, Homeopath, Massage Therapist (N.D., Dip. Mass., Dip. Bot. Med., Dip. Hom., Cert IV Workplace Train. & Assess. A.N.T.A.B.)
If you live on the Gold Coast or Brisbane, Queensland, Australia and would like a treatment or have any questions please contact me via email: or text 0412 266 802

Chakra Wisdom Workbook, Chart and Card Deck available in the shop via this link:   Shop

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Stephen Canning

Stephen Canning (N.D., Dip. Mass., Dip.Bot.Med., Dip.Hom., Cert IV Workplace Train. and Assess., A.N.T.A.B.) has practised as a Naturopath, Homeopath and Integrated Massage Therapist for the last 42 years as well as teaching Massage Therapy and previously being the General manager at a leading Health Retreat for 5 years. He has had a lifelong passion for metaphysics and spirituality and his approach to health and healing reflects the knowledge and experience gained during this time as to how the body functions at both a physical and energetic level. He is enthusiastic in helping people maintain their physical, mental, and emotional balance as they travel through life. He assists people in letting go of past traumas and in moving forward with clarity, understanding and an optimistic outlook to life. Stephen achieves these objectives with both his Chakra Wisdom book, Chakra Wisdom card deck as well as ‘Integrated Massage’ session, which is his specific therapeutic approach integrating many modalities into his treatment to achieve the above aims. This treatment helps optimise the energy flow throughout their body and assists in releasing accumulated stresses and tensions that may hinder them from moving forward toward improved health and wellbeing, and from reaching their full potential. He practices on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia as well as regularly visiting Sydney and Melbourne. He has also been practicing at Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat on the Gold Coast, Queensland for the last 13 years.


Hi, please let me know if you have any questions.