Chakra Wisdom
Stephen Canning

Stephen Canning ( N.D, Dip. Mass, Dip. Bot.Med, Med.Hom., ANTA Accredited Natural Therapist, A.N.T.A.B.) has practised as a Naturopath, Homeopath and Integrated Massage Therapist for the last 42 years, with a lifelong passion for metaphysics and spirituality. His approach to health and healing reflects the knowledge and experience gained during this time as to how the body functions at both a physical and energetic level.
He is enthusiastic in helping people maintain their physical, mental and emotional balance as they travel through life. His aim is to assist in optimising the energy flow throughout their body and assist in releasing accumulated stresses and tensions that may hinder them from moving forward toward improved health and wellbeing, and from reaching their full potential. The resulting benefits are such that many clients experience a remarkable of physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.
The Chakra Wisdom information on this site is an integral component of his work.
He practises on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia as well as practiseing at Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat on the Gold Coast, Queensland.
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